Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 1, Sunday (Father’s Day)

No excuses anymore! I loaded up my panniers with clothes, tools, power bars, an Acer $300 mini laptop computer…. It all weighs about 20 pounds.

I start out at 8:52am and the first thing I find is that that extra 20 pounds, hung comfortably over the rear wheel, makes the bike handle somewhat differently. I know I should have practiced loaded up (like the pros advise) but I figured out it would be just fine. (always my motto!)

Anyway, so far, so good… the day is foggy (I turn on my cool white/red flashing tail light!) cool, and drizzly.

I drive through miles and miles of North Country Roads, not seeing anything very exciting… not even many cars (everyone celebrated too much last night?) I pedal through a few towns (Edwards, Pitcairn, Harrisville, Indian River, Croghan, New Bremen, Dadville…. Happy Father’s Day, by the way) The roads are in pretty good shape, Route 812 is a designated bike route (whatever that means) , Route 3 has a nice huge shoulder. AND I’ve got a very pleasant 5-10 mph tailwind helping me along.

I end up clocking 66 miles the first day… my previous record was 54. I think the tailwind really helped.


At June 22, 2009 at 11:50 AM , Anonymous Jackie said...

Hurray for Radio Bob!

At June 22, 2009 at 12:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Radio Bob for starting your trip. I am going to be checking in often, simply because I wish I was going to Cape Cod. Maybe not by bike, but going just the same! Are you camping along the way? I hope you have lots of tailwind and nice folk to help you along the way.

Way to go!

Lorraine, Canton, NY

At June 22, 2009 at 3:19 PM , Anonymous Kevin said...

This is so exciting, and I too, am envious! How many daily hours of ride time does 60+ miles equal? You are providing inspiration for me to quit procrastinating and get out the chainlube and check the air in the tires...
Godspeed and all that stuff!
Kevin Irwin, Pierrepont, NY

At June 22, 2009 at 5:26 PM , Blogger Paul Swinburne said...

Good going Bob,

Regarding handling, front panniers mounted low help but any loaded touring bike will handle slow and different.

By the way I'm pretty sure your bike tubing is chrome moly.

Paul Swinburne

At June 22, 2009 at 7:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sounds like fun! Where are you staying? Is someone following you. Can't imagine a tent in that 20 lbs.

Brad Pendergraft


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